Racquetball Racket Recommendations
If you don’t have the time to read my in-depth 3,000 word article on selecting a racquetball racket and just want for someone to tell you what to get, which may or may not be right for you, then I got you covered. My guess is the price is the main concern for you, so the following are my personal recommendations at different price points.
Cheap Racquetball Racket (under $50)
Head MX Fire. Around 30 bucks. Heavy, so it will do more of the work for you. Alloy steel, so it’s fairly durable. Great first racket when you’re not even sure if you’ll stick with playing the sport.
Beginner Racquetball Racket (under $100)
E-Force Chaos. Around 70 bucks. Also on the heavy side (that’s good for beginners). Made out graphite, so even more durable. Though it comes with 3 15/16 grip, so if you have really small hands, it’s probably not the right racket for you.
Good Racquetball Racket (under $150)
Head Intelligence i.165. Around 120 bucks. Now we are cooking. Also graphite-made, so pretty durable. It’s on a lighter side and provides perfect balance between control and power.
Best Racquetball Racket (under $200)
Head Graphene Radical. Around 180 bucks. Made out of graphene, so we are in the future now. Extremely durable, head-light, with modified teardrop shape. One of Head’s best selling recent rackets. The 170 model in would be the safest bet between all the flavors. Highly recommended!
Deluxe Racquetball Racket (under $300)
Head 360 Extreme. Around 220 bucks. Graphene. If you have 220 bucks to drop on a racket you haven’t held for a sport you might not even enjoy, you might be an extreme kind of human, so it’s a perfectly extreme kind of racket for you. Oh, yeah!